2018년 9월 18일 화요일

Assignment 2- Using One Light

My model was WenWen, and it was the second time that I talked to him. He looked tidy and intelligent. I felt a warm and calm mood from him. So, I used an opaque white diffuser to make smooth light and placed a reflector to the left side to fill the shadow. There is no dark shadow on his body, so we could see him clear and feel truthful. He looks soft and comfortable. 

For the opposite side, I put the light source beside him to make a split lighting with the black background. I asked him to act a mysterious and mean person. He tilted his head and smiled freaky. The shadow of his glasses made a sharp line on his face. To give more evidence to the left-side face, I used a reflector. Also, a block was needed to make a clear background. Now, he looks like a villain! (I gave +9 clarify effect to show his shape better)

Here is the way I made the photos. 

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